The USB Mobile Monitor allows you to connect your Android mobile phone or tablet to your PC with a simple USB Cable. All that is required is the download of the USB Mobile Monitor App on your device and the installation of the USB Mobile Monitor software on your PC. USB Mobile Monitor works for Desktops and Servers from Windows XP to Windows 8.1 and Server 2012. USB Mobile Monitor is currently available only for Android devices. Usage: Check the dedicated product usage page before installing and using this tools. Downloads: The package contains the Windows device drivers and the Android apk package. Requirements: Microsoft Windows, All Versions. Google Android, version 3.2 and higher.
WebkitPDF uses the Open Source Webkit library to convert HTML documents to PDF format in an automated manner. Webkit is the engine behind many popular browsers and provides wide support for HTML content. You can specifiy the file to be converted using its URL either on your local hard drive, on the Intranet or the Internet.
Usage: Download the PDF documentation for instructions on using this tool.
Requirements: Microsoft Windows, All Versions
PdfCompress tool
The PdfCompress tool can be used in two situations:
- One is to analyze the contents of one or multiple PDF files and when possible apply a better compression algorithm to reduce the file size.
- Two is to save supported image files such as JPEG, PNG, TIFF or XPS into PDF.
The user can also choose to save the files in PDF/A format which is a subset of PDF used for archiving purposes.
Usage: PdfCompress [-input path|-quality level|-pdfa|-nobackup]
-input path Full path to files to be compressed
-quality level Image quality level from 1 (Low) to 9 (High), default is 3
-jbig2 When possible, compress images using JBIG2 (slow)
-pdfa When possible, output in PDF/A standard
Example: PdfCompress -input "c:\temp\*.pdf" -quality 7
The HTML2PDF utility enables you to convert HTML documents to PDF format in an automated manner. It can actually be used to convert any file that can be opened with Internet Explorer® 4 or later. You can specifiy the file to be converted using its URL either on your local hard drive, on the Intranet or the Internet.
Usage: Html2PDF [/c] InputURL OutputPDFFile PrinterName. Use the /c switch to concatenate instead of overwriting files. InputURL can be in the format file://filename or http://url...
Requirements: * Amyuni PDF Converter, version 1.5 or later; Microsoft Internet Explorer® 4 or later.
PdfSplit utility
The PdfSplit utility enables you to split one PDF file into multiple PDF files, one for each page or group of pages, from the command line.
It is guaranteed to work only with files created the Amyuni PDF Converter and Amyuni PDF Creator, but should also work with other PDF files.
Usage:PdfSplit SourceFile.pdf [/X xPos /Y yPos] [DestPrefix].
ExtractLinks utility
The ExtractLink utility automatically adds bookmarks and hyperlinks into a PDF document based on the paragraphs and links from the source document. A template for Microsoft Word® is included to automatically convert the Table Of Contents, the Internal and External hyperlinks from a Word document into a PDF file. The tool can be also be used for documents created from Access®, Visual FoxPro® and other sources.
Please look at the included documentation for how to use this tool and the capabilities that it offers. It is guaranteed to work only with files created by Amyuni PDF Converter and Amyuni PDF Creator, but should also work with other PDF files.
Requirements: None
PdfConcat utility
The PdfConcat utility enables you to concatenate (or append) multiple PDF files into one PDF file from the command line. It is guaranteed to work only with files created the Amyuni PDF Converter and Amyuni PDF Creator, but should also work with other PDF files.
Usage: PdfConcat DesintationFile SourceFile1 SourceFile2 SourceFile3 ...
Any number of 'SourceFileN' can be entered on the command line, they will all be concatenated into 'DestinationFile'.
Requirements: Amyuni PDF Converter, version 1.5 or later.
iPhoneMailer Library for OS 2 and 3
iPhoneMailer is a library that can be used to send emails with attachments from your iPhone application. Emailing can be done directly from within the application without exiting to the Mailer application. iPhoneMailer is compatible with iPhone OS 2.2.1 and 3.0.
The iMortgage application that is available on the App Store uses this library to send PDF reports through email. The documentation for using the iPhoneMailer library is included in the iPhoneMailer.h header file.
Emf Printer Driver
The EMF printer driver is a tool that can be used to convert documents to EMF format. EMF images can be inserted into other documents or viewed natively under Windows. When installing the EMF Printer, the user is prompted for a destination directory. The EMF Printer will create one EMF file per printed page and place that file in the selected destination directory.
The latest version includes:
- Printing PDF files from Acrobat Reader® to EMF format (PDF-->EMF)
- No "Evaluation" dialog-box appearing for every printout
PDF Converter for Linux
The PDF Converter or Printer Driver allows you to create a PDF document from any application running under Linux operating systems. It can be installed on your system like any standard printer. An automatic installation software is provided for an even easier installation. Instead of printing to your standard printer, you will just select our printer. A file will be generated for you which you can transmit over the Intranet, Internet or view with the Amyuni PDF Creator or the free Adobe Acrobat® Reader.
4D PDF Plugin
The 4D PDF Plugin enables 4D developers to interface very easily with the Amyuni PDF Converter.
inst:=Amyuni_DriverInit ("4D PDF Converter") ` Init CDIntf object
Amyuni_SetPrinterParamInt (inst;FILENAMEOPTIONS ;3) ` NoPrompt + UseFileName
Amyuni_SetPrinterParamStr (inst;DEFAULTFILENAME ;"c:\\temp\\test.pdf") ` Destination file name
enabled:=Amyuni_EnablePrinter (inst;"...";"...") ` Enable printer before printing
SET CURRENT PRINTER("4D PDF Converter") ` Select destination printer
Print form([Table 1];"Form1") ` print a specific form
Amyuni_SetPrinterParamInt (inst;FILENAMEOPTIONS ;0) ` Reset to 0
Amyuni_DriverEnd (inst) ` Uninitialize CDIntf object
Requirements:* Amyuni PDF Converter, version 2.5 or later; 4th Dimension 2004