Our mission is to provide software developers and end-users with high performance software products that will reliably facilitate their document management. We do this on the basis of continuous evolution of our own, proven technology, and our unwavering commitment to providing top quality customer service.
While our products are adaptable to various application and end-user needs, our custom development service caters to organizations for a specific need for an application or software component that they have yet to find.
You may be a user of an Amyuni product without knowing it.
Amyuni products are integrated into applications used worldwide. Our software tools are the PDF engines behind several leading business applications created by large software companies such as Intuit, Sage, Oracle, Pitney Bowes and many more.
They are also important tools used by small businesses and independent developers, in their quest to provide you with high-quality software.
Our software products are also used as stand-alones by end-users in hundreds of corporations, small companies, and not-for-profit organizations, facilitating their daily document management. Our customers come from a wide range of industries: accounting, banking, medical, healthcare, oil and energy, software, and many, many more.
Since 1993, Amyuni Technologies has been providing developers and end-users with powerful, reliable software tools that facilitate daily document management. We aim to stay ahead of market trends, to provide top-quality software tools, and to set higher product and service standards.
For more information, please explore our web site and contact us at sales@amyuni.com.