Calibri, glyphys and Amyuni

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Calibri, glyphys and Amyuni

Post by aroncox »

I have Amyuni installed, when I convert to PDF my code uses these options: NoPrompt + UseFileName + EmbedFonts + MultiLingualSupport

However if I use the Calibri font (which a customer has just specified), then certain letter combinations (I assume ones that are converted into glyphs, e.g. ti, fi) are displayed as a black circle rather than the actual characters. I've tried using FullEmbedFonts but that didn't help on a 32-bit Windows 7 PC, and hangs on my 64-bit Windows 7 PC (a known problem for me and for some of my customers on Windows 2008 R2).

Does anyone have any ideas, other than using a different font, for how I can fix this?

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