The Broderbund PDF Creator is not working on Windows 7

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The Broderbund PDF Creator is not working on Windows 7

Post by Devteam »

The Borderbund PDF Creator is based on Amyuni PDF Converter 4.5 which is Microsoft certified for use under Windows 7, 32- and 64-bit releases. In this newsletter, we would like to clarify a post on the Broderbund forum about fixing PDF Converter installation under Windows 7, 64-bit.

The post is titled "The Broderbund PDF Creator is not working on Windows 7" and states the following:

The Broderbund PDF creator requires that the user add a port to allow the program to function on Windows 7 64-bit. The installer does not make all of the necessary changes for the user. If the user does not make these changes, the application will become unresponsive and crash beginning the pdf creation process.

The steps to repair this issue are:
1. Open Devices and Printers from the Control Panel.
2. Right click on Broderbund PDF Creator.
3. Click on Printer Properties.
4. View the Ports tab.
5. Click on the Add Port… button.
6. Highlight “Local Port” and click on the New Port… button (Not New Port Type…)
7. Enter any name for the port.
8. Restart Your Computer
9. Return to the application.
10. Save your project as a PDF.

Item 7 should be:
7. Enter exactly “NUL:“ for the port. If the NUL: port already exists, attach the PDF printer to this port

Item 8 is optional and not typically needed.
Amyuni Development Team

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