KB5000844 Monthly Rollup released March 9, 2021 breaks printing

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Amyuni Team
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KB5000844 Monthly Rollup released March 9, 2021 breaks printing

Post by Jose »

KB5000844 Monthly Rollup of Windows 10 and Windows Server from Microsoft have affected the printing. Known issues include missing or solid color graphics, misalignment/formatting issues, or printing of blank pages/labels. These issues affect not only Amyuni PDF Converter printer, but other printers.

March 18 2021 Update:
- This problem has now been resolved by Microsoft with update KB5001649 update (Windows 10 and Windows Server builds 2004 and 20H2), KB5001648 (Windows 10 and Windows Server build 1909), KB5001638 (Windows 10 build 1809 and Windows Server 2019), KB5001634 (Windows 10 build 1803), KB5001633 (Windows 10 build 1607 and Windows Server 2016) and KB5001631 (Windows 10 build 1507).

We were able to confirm these solutions.
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