I was wondering if anybody could help me with this problem. I am using the the Amuni PDF Converter Version 2.51d developer edition. When running our application on a Windows 2003 Server 64 bit operating systerm and using the Amyuni PDF converter printer a "Could not start print job" error is produced. This works without errors on a 32 bit operating sytem.
Set pdf2 = New CDIntfEx.CDIntfEx
' initialize PDF printer and set it as default
pdf2.DriverInit "Amyuni PDF Converter"
' set printer as default
' set default directory for PDF files
pdf2.DefaultDirectory = System.TempPath
' set default file name
pdf2.DefaultFileName = strPDFFileName
pdf2.HorizontalMargin = 0 '1 mm = .0393 in.
pdf2.VerticalMargin = 0
' set options
pdf2.FileNameOptions = NoPrompt + UseFileName
' Make the settings take effect
pdf2.EnablePrinter GetAmyuniUserName, GetAmyuniActivationCode
I have verified that the acfpdfuamd64.dll and acfpdfaiamd64.dll was installed.
1 - That EnablePrinter is called right before your print command
2 - Please create a new local port on your system and add the PDF Printer to that port instead of the LPT1: port. This is a momentary workaround under 64-bits.
Thanks for your help. This works now if you are a user with administrative rights. If you are regular user who has rights to print, manage printers, and manage documents. The document goes into the print queue but fails to print. The application hangs when printing the document.