Removing 'Unregistered' Watermark with ActiveX interface

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Removing 'Unregistered' Watermark with ActiveX interface

Post by MikeF »


We're running: ~1.57 of the FLL inteface via Visual FoxPro. That interface seems to work fine. We changed a program/report that uses the Amyuni interface and were coming up with some complile errors (couldn't find PDFDriveInit)... so we tried to use the ActiveX interface and it 'worked' sort of.

Now, in my production app (using the Active X interface) it will work on my machine put print the unregistered watermark.


1) Can you fix my VFP6 code to run with the FLL as before? (That seems to run faster anyhow..
2) How would I go about removing the watermark in the ActiveX interface.

Amyuni Team
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Post by Joan »


To fix your code we need some further information, please feel free to send us more details to

As you are using version 1.57, you may freely download an update version 1.59 from our site. Please note that version 1.57 is somehow old, our latest release is 2.10

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