Printing DOC - Problem with dimension

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Printing DOC - Problem with dimension

Post by zaksoft »

I'm testing Creator 1.50j and I've a problem printing a document (the same of another post, sorry.. same 10 pages) that must be printed Front/rear.

I'm working on a HP 4100DTN that is actually the default printer.

I use something like this...

if ( IsDlgButtonChecked( IDC_BOTHSIDE))
m_df.SetDuplex( 1);
m_pdf.SetDuplex( 0);

if ( IsDlgButtonChecked( IDC_ADJUST))
m_pdf.SetScaleToPrinter( 3);
m_pdf.SetScaleToPrinter( 0);

m_pdf.SetCopies( m_nCopie);

m_pdf.Print( NULL, TRUE);

The problem is related to document scaling: if I don't set ScaleToPrinter( acScaleBoth) by leaving IDC_ADJUST unchecked the document starts about 1 cm on the right as the original and is wider, so that about 2..3 cm are cutted on right edge, if I set the scale the document is about 5..6 cm taller and also smaller (4 cm result blank on right side). In either cases the content of fields appear 1..2 mm shifted, as if they are not centered vertically.

The document was downloaded and form fields created using Acrobat 5.0. the printout coming from Acrobat 6.0 is equal to the one released by our gov ( that released both paper and the original PDF ).

The final dimension is mandatory to be the same since it's an important declation for signers.

Davide Zaccanti
Amyuni Team
Posts: 553
Joined: Tue Oct 01 2002

Post by Jose »


As mentioned in the email sent to you from our support department, this issue is being caused by the source PDF document you are using.

Since this issue is related to a document contain private information, we will continue this thread through our support department.

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