Accuracy of PDFs

The Amyuni PDF Converter is our Printer Driver that enables you to convert any documents to PDF format. If you have any questions about installing and using the Amyuni PDF Converter please post them here.
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Posts: 36
Joined: Fri May 15 2009

Accuracy of PDFs

Post by aroncox »

I don't think this is an Amyuni issue as such, but I've noticed that my PDFs are not exactly the same as the original document (I print the document and the PDF, and compare them). Boxes around text are a different size, spacing between lines can be different, etc. it's not huge but it does mean things don't always line up on pre-printed forms.

MY question is, is this just how PDFs are? Are they supposed to be a pretty close approximation, or am I missing something like turning off compression and embedding fonts, something like that?

Thanks for any help,

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Re: Accuracy of PDFs

Post by Devteam »

The main difference is that the original application is using Windows GDI to display and print whereas the PDF is most commonly viewed with Acrobat Reader which has its own rendering engine.

One thing that would help with the accuracy is printing resolution. The recommended resolution is 600 DPI which is the default value for version 4. Prior to version 4, the default resolution was 300.

Note that in PDF, higher resolution does not necessarily mean larger files, there are a number of parameters to be taken into account.
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