.NET Wrapper

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.NET Wrapper

Post by ruc2827 »

Why does the .NET wrapper not contain the same API as the COM dll it wraps? I was forced to create an Interop assembly from the COM dll using tlbimp to get the full functionality. It seems like the API is way out of date on the .NET dll. Also, there are two separate components. One has just static methods, the other contains methods and properties. Why are you not just creating a primary interop assembly that wraps your COM component directly?
Amyuni Team
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Post by Joan »


In CDINTFNET.DLL we are not wrapping our com component we are instead implementing some functions of the DLL.
CDIntfNet.dll is not complete yet, it contains the main functions of the DLL but not all of them.
Wrapping the com component is easy as you suggested and our customers can do it easily if they choose to.

Hope this helps.
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